Holy Week schedule for Saint-Césaire, Montreal, Sherbrooke and N-D-des-Bois

Source: District of Canada

Warning: Ther will be only one Mass on Easter Sunday in Saint-Césaire at 10:00 am

Holy Week schedule



Saint-Césaire Montréal Sherbrooke N.-D.-des-Bois
Sun. March 28 Palm Sunday, 1st Class, Violet

8:00 am

11:00 am

9:30 am

12:00 pm

11:00 am 7:30 am
Mon. March 29 Holy Monday, 1st Class, Violet

7:15 am

6:30 pm

Tue. March 30 Holy Tuesday, 1st Class, Violet 7:15 am      
Wed. March 31 Holy Wednesday, 1st Class, Violet 7:15 am      
Thu. April 1 Maundy Thursday, 1st Class, White

6:00 pm

Mass followed by adoration at the altar of repose

5:00 pm

Mass followed by adoration at the altar of repose

6:00 pm

Mass followed by adoration at the altar of repose

Fri. April 2 Good Friday, 1st Class.

3:00 pm

Stations of the Cross


Good Friday Office

2:15 pm

Stations of the Cross

3:00 pm

Good Friday Office

2:00 pm

Stations of the Cross

3:00 pm

Good Friday Office

Sat. April 3 Holy Saturday, 1st Class.

7:30 pm

Easter Vigil followed by Easter Mass

7:30 pm

Easter Vigil followed by Easter Mass

7:30 pm

Easter Vigil followed by Easter Mass

Sun. April 4 Easter Sunday, 1st Class, White

10:00 am

10:00 am

12:00 pm

8:30 am 11:30 am
Mon. April 5 Easter Monday, 1st Class, White

11:15 am

6:30 pm



Easter Communion:

Every baptized person from the age of reason is required to fulfill the precept of Easter Communion, that is, to receive the Holy Eucharist at Easter time and, for this, to go to confession.

The time for making Easter in Canada is from Ash Wednesday to Holy Trinity Sunday (octave Sunday of Pentecost).

The precept of Easter communion is only the strict minimum required by the Holy Church. It does not represent in any way an advice given by the Church to limit oneself to so little. On the contrary, the Church encourages and has always encouraged frequent confession and communion. Especially in these difficult times, it is important to receive the sacraments frequently.

New Emergency Phone in Saint-Césaire:

You can reach the priests during the day by calling the Centre Saint-Joseph at (450) 390 1323, at night, in case of emergency only, you can call this number: (450) 525 7406.

Special Collections :

  • Construction/renovation projects: Sunday, March 28 (today)  
  • For St. Joseph Bursary: Sunday, April 11
  • For Seminaries: Sunday, April 18
  • Construction/renovation projects: Sunday, April 25